“You learn nothing from life if you
think you’re right all the time
Keep Learning,Keep achieving
Go Great Guns!!”
Today Top 10 Words
1. Grave: गंभीर: urgent and very bad; serious
2. a way off: At an unspecified time in the future. later.
3. Persuasive: Good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation.
4. Erring: पापी: having failed to adhere to the proper or accepted standards; having done wrong.
5. Inscrutable: impossible to understand or interpret.
6. Malicious: Having or Showing a desire to case harm to someone
7. Rein in: to limit or control (someone or something)
8.Impediment: बाधा: a hindrance or obstruction in doing something.
9. Steep: sharply angled
10. Caught on the crest : If you are on the crest of a wave, you mean that you are feeling very happy and confident
because things are going well for you.
Match The Column
1. rein in | 1. to limit or control (someone or something)
2. abating | 2. impossible to understand or interpret.
3. masquerading | 3. reduce or remove (a nuisance).
4. inscrutable | 4. At an unspecified time in the future. later.
5. a way off | 5. pretend to be someone one is not.
Q. Descriptive Question: CBI probe into ISRO spy case masterminds is a much-needed step forward Write your opinion. (Word limit:200)